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IRCONS (2024 International Research Conference for Nursing Students)

Japanese|English ]

On April 30, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., faculties and students of Tottori College of Nursing had participated in the IRCONS (International Research Conference for Nursing Students) held by the University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines, with which the university has an academic agreement.
Although students have regular classes on the day, so students and faculties who can participate in the conference were learn about these themes look at the web.
At the opening, a participants also introduced our college that participated on the web, and it was full of realism. In his keynote speech, he said that no matter how advanced AI technology is, nursing is something that we will create ourselves because we have a need for actual scientific evidence while having creativity and philosophical perspectives. It was a significant opportunity to rethink what the nursing is.
The students said that they didn't understand English, or that they decided to study nursing in English from now on. We hope that the opportunity to see the same nursing students give presentations to the outside world will give our students an opportunity to have an international perspective.

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